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Military Heroes Campaign 

Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign


The Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign is committed to supporting ongoing care for our military veterans and their families. We aggressively pursue opportunities to assist our nation’s veterans with financial and organizational support to help them overcome the battles they fight every day.


The Military Heroes Campaign is rooted in the idea that every veteran deserves a stable life and an active community of supporters. We do this through the generous donations of thousands of donors just like you and work with trustworthy organizations to ensure that donations go directly to those veterans who need it most.


The Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign is rooted in finding new and effective methods to help our military veterans and their families. Since veterans and their families face a wide range of challenges, we partner with several leading and trustworthy organizations to provide the financial support they need to drive change for our veteran community.


The Military Heroes Campaign thoroughly researches each organization we partner with to ensure your donations will be used to support our veterans in the best way possible. Since our organization is operated by volunteers and the Kappa Sigma Fraternity covers all overhead, you can be assured that 100% of your generous donations to the Military Heroes Campaign will go to our partners and our veterans. None of your donations will be applied to administrative or other costs unless specifically noted.

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